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The Ins and Outs of Selecting Drawer Slides

Save your drawers from the damage of daily wear and tear by installing high quality, heavy-duty drawer slides. The pressure generated from constant sticking or slamming can cause harm and over time dust particles and corrosion can add stress to drawer slides, creating problems with opening and closing.

Soft close drawer slides that feature shock-absorption will extend the life of your slides by reducing the negative results of regular use, while also adding a touch of luxury and impressing guests. The more gradual close of soft close drawer guides prevents banging, helping to avoid injury for errant fingers and increase drawer lifespan.

Proper style selection and installation are both important factors in ensuring the highest level of performance from your drawer hardware. Several different drawer mount styles exist, including center mount, side mount, under mount and more. These mounts can be visible or hidden depending on the configuration and can be made of plastic, metal or wood. Each mount style and material offers different aspects you should consider before choosing the best option.

The width, depth, expected weight load and intended frequency of use for the drawer each have an effect on the style selection process. The load rating assigned for each drawer slide will help you determine the specific needs for varying weight requirements and for drawers built with added depth, slide extenders are available to allow easier access to the entire storage area.

Depending on the specific requirements, intended use and desired aesthetic for your drawers, The Home Depot offers a vast selection of unique drawer hardware to suit your custom needs. Whether your drawers call for center, side or under mount drawer slides, count on us to offer just the right fit.

For more information to help with your selection of drawer slides and hardware visit: http://www.homedepot.com/c/drawer_slides_HT_BG_HA
